
test punjab police constable

Vehari service academy college town Vehari 03007727047 03346908699, pub-7088975598480001, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 VEHARI SERVICES ACADEMY 167-G VEHARI 03346908699 Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate option, from the given choices (A to E) below each. 1.     The training session has been changed from 8:30 _____ 9:00. A.        at B.        to C.        in D.        by E.         and Five options (A to E) follow a related pair of words given in capitals. Select the option that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. 2.     DOLPHIN: MAMMAL:: A.        larva: insect B.        penguin: bird C.        sonnet: stanza D.        computer: keyboard E.         peninsula: island F.           Choose the option or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. 3.     REVENGE: A.        vengeance B.        retribution C.    

Link, pub-7088975598480001, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0



I am MUHAMMAD SUFDAR Sahir from vehari Punjab pakistan. I have been serving school education department govt of Punjab since 10 April 2008. My designation is senior subject specialist statistics and working as senior Headmaster BS 18 at GHS 24 WB VEHARI Punjab since 13 July 2020. You May contact me at 03007727047,03346908699


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VEHARI SERVICES ACADEMY & RESEARCH CENTER ( VSARC ) COLLEGE TOWN 03346908699 TOTAL MARKS: 30                                                         TOTAL TIME: 30 minutes Dated: 08-07-2022                                                                       Name: ___________ Give your answer by circling        the  CORRECT OPTION  completely and carefully. Each correct answer carries one (01) mark     1.      5/8 % is equal to what? A. 0.5/8 B. 1/160 C. 1/200 D. 1/800 2.      0.036 in terms of percent is: A. 36% B. 6.36% C. 3.60% D. 360% 3.      45% of 600 is equal to: A. 300 B. 270 C. 350 D. 250 4.      What is 1/5% of 6000? A. 120 B. 12 C. 1200 D. 500 5.      What percent of 3/5 is 3/10? A. 25% B. 20% C. 60% D. 50% 6.      What is 5% of 20%? A. 1% B. 10% C. 100% D. 0.10% 7.      What percent of 3.5 kg is 70 gram? A. 20% B. ?2% C. 0.20% D. 200% 8.      What will be 60% of a number w