TOTAL MARKS: 72                                                                             TOTAL TIME: 60 minutes
Dated: 12-02-2016  TEST NO. 01  (CURRI. T. METHOD, ASSESMENT)   Name: ___________
Give your answer by circling        the CORRECT OPTION completely and carefully.
Each correct answer carries one (01) mark.

1. Instrument used for measuring sample of behavior is?
A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation
2. Limited to quantitative description of pupil’s performance is?
A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation
3. The purpose of the evaluation is to make?
A. Decision
B. Prediction
C. Judgment
D. Opinion
4. The purpose of evaluation is to make judgment about educational?
A. Quanitiy
B. Quality
C. Time period
D. Age 
5. Evaluation that monitors learning progress is?
A. Placement evaluation
B. Formative evaluation
C. Diagnostic evaluation
D. Summative evaluation
6. A formal and systematic procedure of getting information is?
A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation
7. The process of obtaining numerical value is?
A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation          
8. A sum of questions is?
A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation
 9. The first step in measurement is?
A. Decision of what to measure
B. Development of the test
C. Administering the test
D. None 
10. The purpose of formative evaluation is?
A. Decision of what to measure
B. Development of the test
C. Administering the test
D. Monitoring progress of students
11.To assess achievement at the end of instruction is?
A. Placement Assessment
B. Formative Assessment
C. Summative Assessment
D. Diagnostic Assessment
12. Students are passive in
(a) Project method
(b) Discovery method
(c)Lecture method
(d) Inquiry method
13. Symposium is a type of
(a) Discovery method
(b) Discussion method
(c)Lecture method
(d) Demonstration method
14. Heuristic means
(a) To investigate
(b) To show
(c)To do
(d) To act
15. Arm strong was the exponent of
(a) Problem solving method
(b) Project method
(c)Discussion method
(d) Heuristic method
16. According to Kilpatrick, the types of projects are
(a) 2              (b) 3
(c)4               (d) 5
17. Activity involves
(a) Physical action
(b) Mental action
(c)Mental action
(d) Physical and mental action
18. We move from specific to general in
(a) Inductive method
(b) Deductive method
(c)Drill method
(d) Discussion method
19. Practice is made in
(a) Inductive method
(b) Deductive method
(c)Drill method
(d) Discussion method
20. The Socratic method is known as
(a) Lecture demonstration method
(b) Discussion method
(c)Inquiry method
(d) Question- Answer method
21. Which is not true about projects
(a) It is a purposeful activity
(b) It is proceeded in social environment
(c)It is accomplished in real life
(d) It is teacher centred activity
22. Duration of lessons in macro- lesson plans
(a) 5-10 min                        (b) 10-20 min
(c)20-30 min                       (d) 35-45 min
23. In British approach of lesson planning, more emphasis is on
(a) Activity
(b) Teacher
(c)Content presentation
(d) Teacher and content presentation
24. American approach emphasizes
(a) Teacher
(b) Content presentation
(c)Learning objectives
(d) Methods
25. Which one is not the type of lesson plans on the basis of objectives
(a) Micro lesson plan
(b) Cognitive lesson plan
(c)Affective lesson plan
(d) Psychomotor lesson paln
26. Which is not true about lesson plan
(a) It is develops confidence
(b) It helps in oderly delivny of contents
(c)It is developed by students
(d) It saves from haphazard teaching
27. A good drama does not include
(a) Interesting story
(b) Alive dialogues
(c)Very long play
(d) Subject full of feelings
28. Which is not the objective of Drama/ role play
(a) Recreation and enjoyment
(b) Development of social skills
(c)Development of skills of conversation
(d) Do make rehearsals
29. Drama or role play is useful for teaching
(a) History
(b) Science
(d) Language
30. The main types of teleconferencing identified are
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
31. Which is not the types of teleconferencing
(a) Audio teleconferencing
(b) Video teleconferencing
(c)T.V teleconferencing
(d) Computer teleconferencing
32. Which one is accountable in cooperative learning
(a) Individual
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of a & b
33. Cooperative learning is an alternative to
(a) competitive models
(b) Teaching models
(c)lesson plans
(d)Micro teaching
34. The number of students in cooperative learning groups is
(a) 3-4
(b) 5-6
(c) 8-10
(d) 10-15
35. The essential characteristic of cooperative learning is
(a) Effective learning
(b)Positive interdependence
(d) Division of labor
36. The students like to spend the most of the time with
(a) Teachers          (b) parents
(c) Relatives         (d) Peers

37. Peer culture constitutes
(a) Socialization
(b) Individualization
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of a & b
38. Which is not the advantage of team teaching
(a) Better utilization of resources
(b) Better planning
(c) Better use of teaching techniques
(d) Better financial benefits of teachers
39. The hypothesis underlying team teaching
(a) Teachers feel bore while working alone
(b) Teachers are not competent
(c) The best teachers in schools are shared by more students
(d) The single teacher cannot control the class
40. CAI stands for
(a) Computer analyzed instruction
(b) Computer assisted instruction
(c) Computer assisted interview
(d) Computer analyzed interview
41. Which is not the mode of CAI
(a) Tutorial mode
(b) Drill mode
(c) Simulation mode
(d) Question mode
42. Value that divides the data into two equal parts is?
A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. None
43. The test measures what we intend to measure. This quality of the test is called?
A. Reliability
B. Validity
C. Objectivity
D. Usability
44. The length of a test is an important factor in obtaining a representative?
A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Sample
45. Median of 1,2,4,5,2,3, is ?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 3.5
D. None
46. The test made to compare the performance of student with the other students is called?
A. Criterion reference
B. Norm reference
C. Achievement
D. None
47. The summative evaluation is used?
A. At the end of the program
B. At the middle of the program
C. At the start of the program
D. None
48. The appearance of normal curve resembles with?
A. U
B. Bell
C. V
D. None
49. The alternative name of the “table of specification” is?
A. Test Blue Print
B. Test Construction
C. Test Administration
D. Test Scoring
50. ”table of specification” helps in?
A. Test development
B. Test Construction
C. Test Administration
D. Test Scoring
51. The supply type test item is?
A. True / False items
B. Matching items
C. M.C.Q items
D. Completion items
52. Alternative response item is?
A. True / False items
B. Right / wrong
C. Correct / incorrect
D. All above
53. How many columns matching items have?
A. One
B. Two
C. Four
D. Five
54. The item in the column for which a match is sought is?
A. Premise
B. Response
C. Destructor
D. None

55. Identifying relationship between two things is demonstrated by?
A. True / False items
B. Matching items
C. M.C.Q items
D. Completion items
56. The statement of problem in M.C .Qs is?
A. Premise
B. Response
C. Stem
D. None
57. The correct option in M.C.Q is?
A. Answer
B. Premise
C. Response
D. Destructor
58. The incorrect options in M.C.Q are?
A. Answer
B. Premise
C. Response
D. Destructor
59. The most widely applicable test item is?
A. True / False items
B. Matching items
C. M.C.Q items
D. Completion items
60. The type of essay item in which contents are limited is?
A. Restricted Response Questions
B. Extended Response Questions
C. Matching items
D. M.C.Q items
61.The ability to select organize, integrate and evaluate ideas is demonstrated by?
A. Restricted Response Questions
B. Extended Response Questions
C. Matching items
D. M.C.Q items
62. The Analysis of items is necessary in?
A. Standardized Test
B. Essay Type Test
C. Objective type test
D. Norm referenced test
63. Which one is not the type of test of test by purpose?
A. Standardized Test
B. Essay Type Test
C. Objective type test
D. Norm referenced test
64. The type of the test by method is?
A. Standardized Test
B. Essay Type Test
C. Objective type test
D. Norm referenced test
65. Student’s performance is compared with other students in?
A. Standardized Test
B. Essay Type Test
C. Objective type test
D. Norm referenced test
66. Student performance is compared with clearly defined learning tasks in?
A. Standardized Test
B. Essay Type Test
C. Criterion reverenced test
D. Norm referenced test
67. Test that measure learning outcome of students is
A. Achievement test
B. Aptitude test
C. Criterion reverenced test
D. Norm referenced test
68. The tests designed to predict future performance is?
A. Achievement test
B. Aptitude test
C. Criterion reverenced test
D. Norm referenced test
69.Making value judgment about curriculum is?
A. Curriculum evaluation
B. Objectives
C. I.Q
D. Educational institution
70.The most important component of lesson plan is?
A. Curriculum evaluation
B. Objectives
C. I.Q
D. Educational institution
71.To select subject matter, one should consider student?
A. Curriculum evaluation
B. Objectives
C. I.Q
D. Educational institution
72.The implementer for curriculum is?
A. Curriculum evaluation
B. Objectives
C. I.Q
D. Educational institution


royaltaxipk said…
Nice words Mate... you made the event more interesting to the guys who were not there..Great Keep it up.. :
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